Audit Committee - Volunteers

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Start Date:  May/June, 2025
Commitment:  Approximately two meetings per year during regular business hours (spring and fall)
Compensation:  This is a volunteer position. An honorarium of $100/meeting and reimbursement for mileage is provided.
Closing Date:  March 7, 2025
To apply:  Submit a cover letter and result through the online application at

Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) is seeking two volunteer community members to serve on its Audit Committee. The Audit Committee reports to the Board of Trustees and is comprised of three elected trustees and two volunteers external to EIPS.

This opportunity will provide valuable experience in the financial oversight of one of Alberta’s largest school divisions serving 17,950 students at more than 42 schools with an operating budget of approximately $210 million.

Volunteers will serve on the Audit Committee for a two-year term and may apply to serve additional two-year terms. Volunteers must be available to attend approximately two meetings per year during regular business hours in the spring (May/June) and fall (November). The next meeting is expected to take place in June 2025. Volunteers will receive an honorarium of $100 and reimbursement for mileage to and from each Audit Committee meeting. This honorarium is for their attendance and completion of pre-reading and preparation work.

Volunteer community members must: 

  • reside in the jurisdiction of EIPS (Strathcona County, Lamont County, City of Fort Saskatchewan and County of Minburn);
  • be independent of EIPS and not an employee or spouse of an employee; and
  • be financially literate.

The following qualifications will be beneficial to your role as an Audit Committee member:

  • experience with leadership and advisory roles;
  • knowledge of audit standards and governance; and
  • understanding of financial statements, preferably those prepared under Public Sector Accounting Standards.

The primary role of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board of Trustees in ensuring the assets of EIPS are preserved and resources utilized, as approved. Specifically, the Audit Committee will:

  • recommend the appointment of the external auditor;
  • review the audit plan;
  • assess the effectiveness of the auditor;
  • review the annual financial statements and audit findings;
  • assess the effectiveness of the Division’s internal controls, and obtain reports on internal audit findings and recommendations;
  • review the external auditor’s assessment of internal controls and obtain reports on significant findings and recommendations;
  • assess compliance with applicable legislation, regulations and guidelines;
  • report findings and information to the Board; and
  • based on the work of the Audit Committee, make recommendations to the Board, as required, regarding processes for managing and reporting on financial activities and related internal controls.

To apply:  Submit a cover letter and result through the online application at